For your Junior Research Paper (formerly known as Happy Happy Fun Time), you will find a topic that interests you and research the topic utilizing two or more books (published within the last ten years) and at least two academic database sources. You will construct an interesting, fact-filled, well-written research paper. Your research paper will be an impressive achievement, one that can make you proud of your ability to think clearly and write well about history. Later in your high school career, when your Government and English IV teachers ask you to write a research paper, persuasive essay, and a Senior Project, you will be well prepared because of your Junior Research Paper experience. |
Northgate High School's Mock Congress simulation is a semester long, full senior class activity. It starts with each student creating a bill on a given topic and endeavoring to have this legislation passed in the two day simulation. In the process the student will research their topic and arrive at a proposal to change an existing law or create a new one. The bills will then proceed to committee where they will be edited, amended and then passed through or killed in committee. The approved and amended bills will then be sent to a senate where they will be presented, amendments will be proposed and parliamentary rule and tactics used to pass or reject the bills on the floor.Whether or not the students bill is passed, all students will serve as committee members and members of the full senate and actively be a part of all aspects of bill approval or rejection in the process. |
We firmly believe that democracy rests upon the shoulders of a well-informed, interested, vibrant population. If a country is filled with citizens that aren't informed, don't care about what's going on, and don't believe that they have the power to help solve problems or make significant change, then that country can't really call itself a functioning democracy. We want the United States to be a politically active, dynamic place and we want our students to find meaning in more than cell phones, iPods, and Sun Valley Mall. Therefore, Social Studies students will engage in several activities that allow them to practice powerful citizenship and understand the importance of leaving a positive legacy within the school and/or larger community. |
The Constitution Project is a group project at the end of United States Government class, and will take the place of a final exam. Each group will consist of five or six students who will work together during class and outside of class. Each individual student will produce a five paragraph essay, and each group will produce an original Constitution and deliver a twelve to fifteen minute presentation. The purpose of this assignment is to wrap up the semester of Government with an interesting, creative, and hands-on project that involves many aspects of the curriculum. Furthermore, this project will align with the Common Core State Standards in that students will be expected to read, write, speak, listen, and collaborate during the various components of this project. |
The Inequality Project is a group project that takes place during Economics class. Each group will consist of six or seven students who will examine the following issues: How big of an issue is poverty in America today, and what are the most effective ways to address it? Is America still the great land of opportunity — where if you work hard and play by the rules, you can make it? What proposals do you believe can help reduce or eliminate poverty and income inequality in America? What role do citizens, elected officials, and governments have in the fight to end poverty? |